If you want to decrease cost, try lead time, and CO2 emissions in your outbound supply chain, Trubelo can perform a supply chain design project utilizing cutting-edge technology to calculate cost, unhealthy lead time, and CO2 emissions for the baseline As-Is network then optimize the supply chain to identify alternative To-Be scenarios to deliver savings. Some potential objectives for the study are as follows:
- Calculate lead times and costs for actual and forecasted volumes to serve each product to each seller
- Determine which source should supply which products to which sellers
- Recommend optimal flow for each product through the network
- Plan loads into optimal configurations to reduce distribution costs
- Plan optimal route and delivery schedule for each load
With logistics costs on the rise and the pressure to get products to market quicker, mind using Trubelo to analyze your network at the strategic and tactical levels provides an innovative and cost effective way to identify and test alternative scenarios, providing you both operational efficiencies and a competitive advantage.